Automated Sequences

Choose which pieces of feedback go where

How does it work

Your roadmap to intelligent feedback processing. Sequences are the engine that powers our advanced feedback management system, designed to streamline and enhance your decision-making process.

Sequences enable you to automate and optimize the evaluation of user feedback, transforming raw data into actionable insights. Our Sequences meticulously sort and categorize feedback by analyzing factors such as historical trends, user sentiment, keyword patterns, response rates, and integration with various data sources.

By leveraging Sequences, you can effortlessly identify and prioritize critical insights, such as feature requests, bug reports, and customer sentiment, all while saving valuable time and resources. Seamlessly integrated into the Clairvoyance platform, Sequences empower your team to make data-driven decisions with confidence, ensuring your product development aligns precisely with your user community's needs.

With Sequences, you'll embark on a journey of data-driven innovation, where your feedback processing becomes not only efficient but also deeply insightful, allowing you to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

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Automated Sequences
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How does it work


Be where your users are and connect ChainFuse to your community channels, such as Discord, Discourse, Slack, and more.


Feedback is collected in real-time from all your connections. The more connections you have, the greater the intake of feedback.

Let AI categorize the feedback

Categorize incoming feedback as feature requests, bugs, general comments, and even off-topic remarks with the assistance of AI. Each type of feedback is filtered based on a percentage threshold and sorted automatically.

Create reports for your teams

Prioritize and create a summary from the data you collect, making it easier for your team to collaborate and prioritize what comes next.